Trusted by over 3,000 organizations
Why choose Howuku over Hotjar?
It was the perfect alternative when Hotjar's cost became not justifiable.
Hotjar Alternative Features Comparison
6X More Sessions. Unlimited Responses & Websites.
No. of Sessions
100,000 / month
15,000 / month
Number of Projects & Websites
Unlimited Sites
Single Site
Number of Team Members
5 Users
Feedback Widget & Pop-up Survey
Unlimited Responses
250 Resp ($48/month)
Heatmaps & Recordings
On-site A/B Testing
Split URL Testing
Web Content Personalization
Event Automation
Event Tracking Reports
Website Form Analytics
Conversion Funnel
White-label For Agency
Don’t just take our word for it
Simple, transparent pricing
Basic plan
Pro plan
Premium plan
Hotjar Competitors
Hotjar vs LuckyOrange
LuckyOrange: Live Chat and Affordable
Hotjar: For the bigger organization
Howuku: Affordable and more features
Hotjar vs VWO
VWO: If you need A/B Testing & Experimentation
Hotjar: For heatmap, recordings & feedback
Howuku: Best of the two - you get A/B Testing, Heatmap, and Surveys
Hotjar vs Mouseflow
Mouseflow: Best for e-commerce store owners
Hotjar: For the bigger organization
Howuku: If you need all of the above
People who made the switch choose us for a reason
Now, It would literally cost a bank if they were to work with Hotjar.