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6 Reasons Why Email Marketing Makes Sense for Small Businesses

6 Reasons Why Email Marketing Makes Sense for Small Businesses

Why should you use email marketing to market your brand?

Have you seen the movie You've Got Mail, where Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks fall in love over email? Even though that film came out over two decades ago, it still shows why email marketing is one of the most important ways to communicate in the digital world.

Small business owners may not be looking to date online, but they are definitely looking for ways to connect with their leads and customers and build relationships with them. And if you're not doing that with email marketing, you might be missing out on a powerful chance.

You may be wondering, though, if email marketing can really help your business. So, to answer that question, we've put together a list of some of the reasons why email marketing is one of the best that a small business can use to market itself online.

Consumers prefer email

Social media may have become a popular way for small businesses to connect with their customers. Yet, sometimes, these channels just can't give brands the organic reach they want.

With most small businesses not having a lot of money to spend on marketing, this means they can't waste time on marketing strategies that won't work with their target audience.

But social media isn't the only way to do this. Email is also a direct and professional way for businesses to get in touch with their leads and customers.

Also, the main reason why email as a marketing strategy makes sense is that most consumers prefer email as a way to communicate with brands.

This is most likely because you have to ask for permission first. People on your list signed up to hear from you because they want to. They want to know more about your brand, including the deals and sales you offer.

Email marketing is a great way to reach your customers because of this alone.

In fact, a Marketing Sherpa study found that 72 percent of consumers prefer to get promotional messages through email.

You might be wondering why people prefer to get updates from brands via email. Here are a few reasons why email marketing works with current consumers:

It's personal

People today get a lot of marketing messages, and the ones that are personalized and relevant tend to get the best response.

With this method of marketing, you can tailor your messages and content to the preferences and buying habits of your subscribers. And with email segmentation, it's easy to send the best offers and content to the right people.

It's convenient

Most people like this way of communicating because they can check their email right on their phones. Consumers can stay in touch with their favorite brands no matter where they are.

Also, they can easily redeem any coupon codes or other special deals right from their mobile devices.

It's quick

People like being able to find out about special offers and last-minute deals. By sending email campaigns, your small business can get the word out about these sales and promotions right away and directly, so your customers can save money when they have the chance.

Now you know why consumers like email marketing better.

It's important to know how often they want to hear from you via email and what kinds of emails you should send. Many studies have found that people who use email would rather only get marketing emails once a week. This lets you keep in touch with your subscribers without bombarding them.

As for the types of email messages, consumers prefer to receive, they usually subscribe to brand emails for several reasons:

Tracking the success of your email campaigns over time is the only way to know for sure what kinds of content your specific target audience likes.

Track metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversions to find out what kinds of content your subscribers like best. Patterns in the number of people who unsubscribe can also help you figure out what kinds of content your audience is not so into.

Email lets you reach more mobile users

It's no secret that consumers today are getting more and more mobile, adding to the list of reasons why email marketing is the best way to reach your customers.

Although not everyone shops on their mobile devices, many check their email on their phones. In fact, reading and sending emails is one of the most popular things to do on a smartphone—even more popular than browsing the web and using the Facebook app or navigation apps that help you find your way.

Email marketing is the best way for small businesses to reach their mobile customers because so many people use email on their phones.

Unlike making an app or sending out text messages, this type of online marketing doesn't require small businesses to spend a lot of money on new technology or different software. Also, it lets your business connect with customers who use mobile devices like tablets as well as smartphones.

Now that you know how important it is to reach mobile customers, let's talk about how to make your emails work best on these devices.

Did you know that 69 percent of people who use mobile devices will delete emails that aren't made for them? This means that if you don't work to make your marketing emails work better on mobile, you might be missing out on a chance to reach out to these mobile users. That is why it's also very important that the content of your emails is optimized for mobile devices.

When making emails that work on phones, there are a few things to keep in mind:

Keep it simple

Use a clean, simple design for your email that works well on a small screen. Start with a template that is responsive and that you know your subscribers will be able to read on their phones.

Limit your images

Images are a great way to get people interested in your work. But you should try to keep the number of images in your emails to a minimum. Too many images can take a long time to load, and larger images may not fit on a small screen without a lot of scrolling.

Improve your text

Not only do you have to think about the pictures you use in your emails, but you also have to think about the words you use. On a small screen, you want it to be easy to read and move around. Make sure the message gets right to the point, and don't use long paragraphs.

Put up CTA buttons

Use a button instead of a link for your email's call-to-action. On a touchscreen device, it's easier to click on a button than a link. Make the button big enough that even people with big fingers can click it and move on to the next step in the buyer's journey.

Every day, more and more people buy things on their phones. If you want to reach this growing group of people, your small business should put money into email marketing that's designed for people who use mobile devices.

Email has more features than other forms of marketing

Even though social media marketing is popular right now, we can't deny that it has its own downsides. For example, there are only so many characters and fields you can use in social media posts and ads.

So that you don't break the rules for social media ads, you need to say what you want to say in a short, clear way. On the other hand, emails let you talk back and forth. You can use everything HTML has to offer.

You can also make the content your own. Plus, you can add as much media as you want.

Email marketing doesn't cost much

Most small businesses have a small budget, so they need to find the least expensive ways to reach and engage their customers. Email marketing is a cheap way to market online that doesn't require much money to get started. Also, it's easy to keep up with and doesn't cost too much, so small businesses can get more for their marketing dollars.

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Traditional marketing methods like print and TV ads or direct mail can cost thousands of dollars over the course of a year. Small businesses can reach a wide audience with email marketing, and it only costs a few cents per recipient.

With such a high return on investment, you can do more with less, which is why emails are great for small businesses with limited funds. The costs of this marketing strategy are not too high. Still, the exact cost of your campaigns will depend on a number of things, such as how many resources you already have.

In addition to making a plan for sending emails and finding campaign opportunities, you will also need to decide who will make the marketing content and run your campaigns.

If you don't have the resources in-house to create and run email marketing campaigns for your small business, you can hire someone to do it for you. Even though you have to pay money upfront to work with an email marketing agency, it can save you more money in the long run.

Working with an agency gives your own team time to work on other important business tasks. Since the agency has used this method before, they will also be able to help you get better results faster.

Email marketing generates high ROI for businesses

Now that you know how cheap email marketing can be for your business, let's talk about your return on investment (ROI).

One of the best things about this type of marketing for small businesses is that it gives a good return on investment. Even if you have a small budget for marketing your small business, you can still take advantage of all the great things email marketing has to offer. Although the actual return on investment (ROI) from email marketing will vary from business to business, email marketing is helpful for small business owners in a number of ways:

1. Email marketing brings in more money for a business

The most obvious way that email marketing helps small businesses get a good return on their investment is by helping them make more money. Email lets you reach a large number of people who are interested while keeping costs low, which can lead to more money.

2. Email brings more people to your business site

Email also gives you a good return on your money by bringing more people to your company's website. Email subscribers are more likely to be qualified leads, which means that this traffic is relevant and increases the chances of conversion.

3. Email marketing can help make more sales

Marketing emails are a good way to keep in touch with leads and move them quickly and efficiently through the marketing funnel. This means that email marketing is a good way to increase the number of sales that are made.

4.Email helps spread the word about your brand

Getting your name out there and getting to know your target customers is an important part of not only getting new sales but also keeping customers coming back over time.

Email marketing newsletters and other email campaigns help spread the word about your brand, which leads to long-term growth.

When you only have a small amount of money to spend on marketing, it's important to get the most for your money. Even if a small business has a small marketing budget, email marketing can help them get a big return on their investment.

Email works well with other strategies

One more of the best things about email marketing for small businesses is that it works well with other marketing methods.

You don't have to use email by itself.

Small businesses can use marketing emails to reach a wide range of marketing goals and to help with a variety of other campaigns. This lets them get the most out of the money they spend on marketing.

For example, email marketing and social media marketing work well together. If you are running a contest or giveaway on social media, you can get people excited about it through email. You can also use email marketing to get more people to follow you on social media by including social share buttons and calls to action in your emails.

Email marketing can also be used with other strategies because it gives your business a place to promote new content.

Content marketing is an important part of any online marketing plan because it lets your business educate, inform, entertain, and keep in touch with your leads and customers.

But your content marketing will only work if you have a way to show your leads your content assets. Email is a good way to get this content out to people in your target market, getting more people to see your content and bring them back to your site.

Still don't know what to do with email marketing? It might be time to get some help! Leave your questions in the comments below, and one of our experts will be happy to answer them.

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